Friends of Lou
Amount Raised


Fundraising Achievements

Received first donation badge

First Donation

50% of goal badge

Half-way there!

100% goal badge

Goal Complete

$1K raised badge

Raised $1K

$5K raised badge

Raised $5K

$10K raised badge

Raised $10K

Amount Raised
Fundraising Goal $10,000.00

My Message

The Friends of Lou organizied a fundraising event to support Sunnybrook Brain Cancer research in memory of Lou Mollicone.  We raised over $6,000 and all proceeds were directed to the Gord Downie Fund for research to end Glioblastoma-the most common and most aggressive cancerous primary brain tumour. To learn more about GBM visit

Some of you may not know that Lou willingly participated in a trial to help put an end to this disease.  He communicated that even if the trial did not help him to overcome the disease, that it would assist the research collected to guide the treatment for future patients. Gord Downie and Lou were both diagnosed in the same month and year and treated by the same medical professionals at Sunnybrook.  

Together we will fight to beat this disease for all of those that we have lost as we strive to create a cancer free future for generations to come.

Event Date
Jun 16, 2020 12:00 AM
Location Name
Sunnybrook Events

My Team

%TeamName% is affiliated with %CorporateTeamName%


Fundraiser Event 2018 donated an undisclosed amount
Oct 26, 2023 11:10 AM